Thursday, February 4, 2010

Kueh Lapis Nyonya

Kueh Lapis Nyonya

7 inch square baking tin

50grams shifted rice flour
120grams sifted green bean flour
220grams sifted tapioca flour
300ml thick coconut milk
150ml water
Few drops of food colouring(2 or more colours)

420grams shifted sugar
300ml thick coconut milk (can use fresh milk)
150ml water

1. Mix seasoning together than bring to boil and stir till sugar dissolves. Set aside.
2. Combine all ingredients except food colouring.
3. Stir till mixture is smooth and stir in Seasoning from Step 1.
4. Divide batter into 3 potions.
5. Stir in a few drops of different food colours of batter.
6. Grease baking tin and line with greaseproof paper. Place baking tin in steamer and steam for 5 minutes.
7. Remove baking tin from steamer.
8. Pour in ½ cup of the first colour batter; return baking tin to steamer and steam for 5 minutes.
9. Remove baking tin from steamer, pour in ½ cup of the second colour batter and steam for 5 minutes.
10. Repeat the layering and steaming with a different colour of batter for each layer. After pouring in the last layer, steam for 15 minutes to cook through.
11. Remove and let cool.Cut into serving pieces.


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